Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cultural experiences in Bethlehem

We had time in the afternoon to shop in the Good Shepherd Store right across the street from our hotel. This was a recommended site -- "proven to be reliable, having fair prices and quality goods." They specialize in olive wood products, mother of pearl, and Jerusalem Cross necklaces. The Jerusalem cross, also known as the "Crusader's Cross" has several interpretations, but the one I like the best is this: the large red cross in the center represents Jerusalem, the center of the earth, and the four smaller crosses surrounding it represent the spread of Christianity to the four corners of the world: east, west, north, and south. I bought several of these pins and necklaces on the pilgrimage.

On the bus again, we traveled to view the countryside, and stopped to take pictures of an artificial mountain that contains a fortress inside. It was built by Hadrian. Herod the Great's tomb is said to be inside. This Herod is the one who murdered the Holy Innocents. He was not a full fledged Jew, but he became the King of the Jews from about 40 -4 BCE. He banished his wife and his legitimate son, and killed his favorite concubine and his three sons because he thought they were transpiring against him.

I got off the bus to take pictures, and slid on some rocks down the hill. Bruised my knee and twisted my back a bit, but otherwise unhurt. The worst thing was that I broke my camera in the fall and was unable to take any more pictures with it!

That evening, we met with students from Bethlehem University. The students are 65% Muslim and 35% Christian, and they learn about each other's religion. The university is run by the Christian Brothers. One student sat at each table at dinner that night, so that we could learn about her life, her aspirations, her studies. The young woman who sat with us was named Layla, and she was eighteen. She was a lot like some teenagers anywhere; articulate, intelligent, and charming. She was even keen on texting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary Ann,
I got "the whole works" this time and enjoyed
your descriptions and insights.
What dissapointment about your camera and
espcially you "on the rocks".

Remember it was rocks that they hurled at Jesus
or at least wanted to. Could it be some of those
same rocks that you fell on?

A Holy Week Connection! Gracias,